Are you at risk for enlarged prostate?

Take our quiz below to assess severity of symptoms in benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

How often have you had the sensation of being unable to empty your bladder completely after you’re done urinating?(Required)
Over the past month, how often have you had to urinate again less than 2 hours after you finished urinating?(Required)
Over the past month, how often have you found you stopped and started again several times when you urinated?(Required)
Over the past month, how often have you found it difficult to postpone urination?(Required)
Over the past month, how often have you had a weak urinary stream?(Required)
Over the past month, how often have you had to push or strain to begin urination?(Required)
Over the past month, how many times did you most typically get up to urinate from the time you went to bed at night until the time you got up in the morning?(Required)