Hypertension/High Blood Pressure

Treatment for: Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Procedure offered: Renal denvervation (RDN)

According to the CDC, more than half of adults with high blood pressure are taking medication to control it, yet blood pressure is only “controlled” in about 20% of those people. What’s more, blood pressure medications can have side effects, such as dry cough, diarrhea or constipation, erectile dysfunction, weight gain and more.

Renal denvervation (RDN) is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure to help you better manage blood pressure. It’s FDA approved and offers long-term relief in about 70% of those who have treatment-resistant hypertension.

high blood pressure or hypertension treatment

RDN targets the nerves near the kidneys that can become overactive and elevate blood pressure. When medication and/or lifestyle changes have not worked to adequately control blood pressure, or if you do not wish to be on medications and experience their associated side effects, consider RDN as a treatment option.

RDN is performed by an interventional radiologist who uses a catheter—guided by imaging—to ablate or “block” the sympathetic nerves within the renal artery wall. This increases blood flow, and clinical studies have shown a decrease in blood pressure and a beneficial impact on vascular stiffness. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and patients can return home and resume most normal activities immediately following the procedure.

Lakeland Vascular Institute specializes in minimally invasive and cutting-edge procedures for chronic pain, vascular disease, cancer and other health conditions. We serve patients all over Central Florida at our state-of-the-art facility in Lakeland, Florida.

Call us today to schedule your consultation for high blood pressure or hypertension treatment at (863) 577-0316.